Library Rules
  1. All the staff and students of the college are members of the Library.
  2. The members are entitled to borrow books on production of library cards which will be issued by the librarian on payment of `10/-.
  3. Additional cards will be issued on payment of `5/- for second and final DC students.
  4. Duplicate cards will be issued on payment of `25/- if the card is lost.
  5. Requisition slip for books shall be filled in and submitted to the Librarian before 10 am.
  6. Requisition from V and VI Semester UG and PG students will be entertained on all days, and all other UG students on Thursdays and Fridays.
  7. No member shall keep any book for more than one fortnight. Book may be re-issued to the same student only if there is no other applicant for it.
  8. Absence from the College will not be admitted as an excuse for delay in returning books.
  9. The librarian may recall a book at any time
  10. On no account shall a member disfigure or damage library books.
  11. When a member gets a book from the library he shall satisfy himself that the book is in good condition. If it is not, the matter should promptly be brought to the notice of the librarian. Otherwise the member shall be liable for the replacement of the book with a new copy.
  12. The penal cost for loss of library book borrowed from this library by the students and staff are as follows:
    1. 3 times the face value of the books, which are published prior to 1944.
    2. Twice the face value of the books, which are published in and after 1944.
  13. A fine of 50 paise for one week will be levied if a book is kept beyond a fortnight and further fine of 50 paise per day will be levied if a book is kept beyond three weeks.
  14. If the date of return of the book happens to be a holiday it shall be returned on the following working day.